ESG review of the AAQ 2020-21: ENQA membership and EQAR registration renewed

As quality assurance agency operating in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), AAQ undergoes an external independent review against the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) every 5 years. The last external review was concluded in April 2021, confirming the agency’s general compliance with the European quality standards. As a consequence, ENQA membership and EQAR registration were renewed.

ENQA is the stakeholder organisation of quality assurance agencies in the EHEA representing agencies’ interests internationally and supporting them nationally in driving innovation in quality assurance processes.

EQAR is the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education, listing trustworthy quality assurance agencies that work in line with an agreed common framework to ensure the quality of higher education institutions and study programmes. This strengthens the recognition of AAQ-accredited institutions and programmes.

The external review report of AAQ is publicly available at both ENQA and EQAR websites and can be downloaded here.

