Draft accreditation guidelines completed

On 19 December 2014 the OAQ-led working group approved the draft for the accreditation guidelines under the HEdA, including comments, and submitted it to the SBFI. The mandate that the Agency had received from the State Secretary has thus been completed on schedule. 

In December 2012, the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation commissioned the OAQ to form a working group (AG) in order to compile a draft with variations of the accreditation guidelines under the HEdA (Federal Act on Funding and Coordination of the Higher Education Sector) together with all interested parties by the end of 2014. The members of the working group included representatives from all university types and profiles, all relevant groups of university staff, social partners and professional practice. The group was led by the OAQ.

The course of action, the timetable and the areas of future activity were defined and the first draft for progress over the year was compiled at the kick-off meeting in March 2013. An initial public debate was held at the annual meeting of the SUC (Swiss University Conference) in January 2014.

The draft for the accreditation guidelines was finalised in consultation with the various stakeholders. A target-oriented approach and constructive collaboration between everyone involved in the working group, together with the support of the SBFI (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation), made it possible to adhere to the timetable for the mandate, which covered a period of 18 months in total.

The next step is for the draft to be discussed by the Accreditation Council and the University Council, so it could be adopted as early as May 2015.

Detailed information and documents on the accreditation guidelines mandate


  • [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=62 linktext='Draft Accreditation Guidelines' /] (german, pdf, 144.4 KB)
  • [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=65 linktext='Comment' /] (german, pdf, 189.2 KB)
  • [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=68 linktext='Report external observation ' /] (french, pdf, 85.3 KB)


Dr. Christoph Grolimud, Direktor AAQ

Dr. Geneviève Le Fort, Stellvertretende Direktorin AAQ